Pazhassirajacollege | Pulpally

Women Cell

Menstrual Cup Awareness

Theme: Valentines day

Women Cell PRC in association with WCD Wayanad is organising an online competition titled Explore your creativity to promote gender inclusiveness. The competition is exclusively for the male students of our college. The topic of the competition is 'If I were a girl'. The competition envisions creative expression of our students given the condition 'if you were female'. The students are expected to unleash their response through creative expressions like painting, pencil drawing, short poems, poster, short videos etc. Students can submit either hard copy or soft copy. Last date for the submission of entries is 29/11/2023 at 2:00 p.m.Attractive prizes await the best entries!!! Note: Students may express their contribution to the society in various roles viz Mother/daughter/sister/singer/police officer/political leader/teacher etc

Awareness programme on gender and child protection

Logo making competition:Women Cell

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